New appointment to the IVR Council

Kieran_Rice_webKieran Rice FIVR has been appointed to the Institute of Vehicle Recovery Council.

Kieran, who is operations manager at A1 Marsden Recovery in Northern Ireland, has been a
member of the IVR for over 20 years and was awarded a Fellowship in 2007.

He began his career in the recovery industry in the late eighties under the tuition of the lateJohn Marsden, then further developed his recovery knowledge and skill under the direction of Dave McAllister. In 2002 Kieran fulfilled his ambition to become a trainer and in 2006 qualified as a Level 2 instructor.

Kieran said:

‘I was delighted to win the vote and be invited to join the Council and have the opportunity to be involved in the continuing development of the IVR. I believe that investment in the training and development of employees is essential, it  improves performance, assists those with the interest and ability to undertake additional responsibilities and most importantly makes our industry safer and more professional.

The recovery industry needs to recognise that its success depends on its people and companies should constantly be seeking ways to improve standards and performance.’