Reporting a near miss

The IVR would like anyone involved in a near miss to report it through this part of the website.  The IVR will only use this information to collate data to provide the sector with safety bulletins or updates to the National Training Scheme, thereby improving the safety of technicians throughout the Roadside and Recovery sector. You will not need to provide any personal information unless you wish to do so.

Below is the definition of a near miss by the Health and safety Executive;

  1. A 'near miss' is any incident, accident or emergency which did not result in an injury.  The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) have a specific definition of a “dangerous occurrence”.  These are reportable in the same way as reportable accidents are.  Details of the events that are reportable to the enforcing authorities can be found on the "RIDDOR – what is reportable?" page on the HSE RIDDOR website[1]
  2. Recording non-reportable near misses is not a statutory requirement but doing so and using the information provided is good safety management practice as reviewing the report (at the time and/or periodically) may help to prevent a re-occurrence.  Recording these near misses can also help identify any weaknesses in operational procedures as deviations from normal good practice may only happen infrequently but could have potentially high consequences.  A review of near misses over time may reveal patterns from which lessons can be learned.
  3. Where a review of near miss information reveals that changes to ways of operating, risk assessments or safety management arrangements are needed, these changes should be put into effect.

Near Miss Report Form
  1. Location Details

  2. Site(*)
    Invalid Input
  3. Date(*)
    Invalid Input
  4. Name of person reporting near miss (optional)
    Invalid Input
  5. Near miss Details

  6. Name of person involved (optional)
    Invalid Input
  7. Sex(*)
    Invalid Input
  8. Date of Birth (Optional)
    Invalid Input
  9. Date of Near miss(*)
    Invalid Input
  10. Time(*)
    Invalid Input
  11. Invalid Input
  12. Precise nature of the Near Miss
    Invalid Input
  13. Task

  14. What was He / She doing at the time
    Invalid Input
  15. How did the near miss arise
    (What can be done to prevent a re-occurrence?)
    Invalid Input
  16. Personal Protective Equipment (Worn)
    Invalid Input
  17. Other (please specify)
    Invalid Input
  18. Witness Details

  19. Witness Name (optional)
    Invalid Input
  20. Witness Contact Details (optional)
    Invalid Input
    Invalid Input
  22. Submit Report