Safety Footwear No.003

IVR Safety Bulletin - Number 003

The IVR has been concerned for some time about technicians ‘Working at Height’ but appreciates with some types recovery is un-avoidable.

It is difficult to train a specific method of working at height, other than avoidance, because it depends on the circumstances and the ‘Risk

Assessment’ carried out by the technician at the time. However, during the IVR’s investigations into how we can limit the risk it became apparent that most falls from height are caused, initially, by a slip or a trip.

One way to avoid the risk of a slip is to have the correct slip resistant safety footwear, the following information provides guidance to employers in choosing reliable and effective slip resistant footwear.

Choosing the most suitable slip-resistant footwear for a particular environment /work activity can be difficult. Descriptions of slip-resistance given in suppliers brochures range from ‘improving the grip performance’ to ‘excellent multi-directional slip-resistance’, but often do not describe the work environments for which footwear is, or isn’t, suitable.

When choosing footwear take account factors such as comfort, durability and any additional safety features required, such as steel mid-sole. The final choice may have to be a compromise.

Top tips

• Accidents are expensive – there are many hidden and uninsured costs. With footwear, like any product, you tend to get what you pay for. Ensure you buy footwear which will do the job – this will not necessarily be the cheapest but it may be more comfortable or attractive – ensuring that staff wear it and it may last longer.

• Specify the main surfaces and contaminants which cause slip risks in your workplace, and seek your supplier’s advice on suitable footwear.

• Some generally slip-resistant footwear may not be suitable in specific demanding conditions. For example, footwear that performs well in the wet might not be suitable on oily surfaces or where they are used in an environment that will clog up the cleats

• You can commission additional slip testing through the supplier – e.g. on surfaces/ contaminants representative of your workplace.

• Consider asking your supplier to provide trial pairs to help you make the right choice, and do not select footwear on the basis of brochure descriptions or laboratory test results alone.

• Footwear trials should involve a representative sample of the workforce and last long enough to produce meaningful results. Remember - workers may not wear footwear if it is uncomfortable or impractical, no matter how effective it is.

• Ensure your staff are trained to carry out risk assessment within the workplace

Key points on soles and walking surfaces

• The sole tread pattern and sole compound are both important for slip resistance. Generally a softer sole and close-packed tread pattern work well with fluid contaminants and indoor environments. A more open pattern works better outdoors or with solid contaminants. The only sure way to tell is to trial footwear in your environment.

• Tread patterns should not become clogged with any waste or debris on the floor – soles should be cleaned regularly. If soles do clog up then look for an alternative design of sole, e.g. with a wider space between the cleats and a deeper tread pattern.

• Slip resistance properties can change with wear; for example, some soles can deteriorate with wear, especially when the cleats become worn down.

• Have a system for checking and replacing footwear before it becomes worn and dangerous.

• The correct choice of footwear on wet or contaminated profiled steel or aluminium surfaces, e.g. chequer plate, is important. With some footwear the surface profiles do not provide the improvement in slip resistance that might be expected.

• ‘Oil-resistant’ does not mean ‘slip-resistant’ – the former is just a statement

The IVR does not intend to include a compulsory standard of footwear but strongly recommends the advice given in this article. The information is for guidance only.